If we had to describe the past year in one word, it would be “stressful”! One easy way to say goodbye to stress and give yourself time to relax is to schedule a massage service in Tucson. Visiting a massage spa is a great way to free your mind and make time for yourself. But before you can start relaxing, you will need to ask yourself a question: “What massage should I get?” Each style of massage offers different benefits. Learning more about your options can help you choose which massage style will help you feel your best.
Swedish Massage
This is one of the most popular massage techniques and is loved by spa clients of all ages. Swedish massage typically utilizes a variety of common massage techniques to provide both physical and mental relaxation. This massage style focuses on the superficial muscles, which are the muscles that are closest to the surface of the skin.
Swedish massage is known for its long and gliding strokes that help provide pain relief and relaxation. That is why this technique is popular among people who are dealing with chronic pain or discomfort caused by a condition, repetitive movements, or posture-related issues. Getting regular massages can help people manage this pain so they can feel more comfortable and relaxed during their daily lives. Swedish massage can also increase blood flow, which is great for keeping muscles healthy and working efficiently. In addition, this type of massage can increase flexibility and reduce stress levels, helping people feel better inside and out!
Deep Tissue Massage
Stress affects people mentally and physically. If you are feeling stressed out, your muscles could tense up frequently, which can lead to pain and discomfort. It also works the other way—if you are currently experiencing physical pain, then this can make you feel more stressed out, which can make your pain even more severe. Deep tissue massage therapy is a great option if you are seeking pain relief, whether that pain is due to a chronic condition, an injury, or stress.
Unlike many other massage therapy styles that focus on relaxation, the goal of deep tissue massage therapy is to relieve muscle pain while also reducing stiffness and soothing the muscles. As the name implies, this massage technique utilizes deep strokes and hard pressure to relieve muscle pain and stiffness. This type of massage is popular among athletes. It can also help people who are dealing with sciatica, high blood pressure, plantar fasciitis, and chronic conditions, such as fibromyalgia.
CBD Massage
Cannabidiol, more commonly referred to as CBD, has become incredibly popular in the health, wellness, and beauty communities. That is because CBD oil is a natural remedy which offers many healing properties for various ailments. When applied topically, CBD oil can help relieve pain and reduce inflammation. This makes CBD oil a perfect addition to massage therapy treatments for many spa patrons! A CBD massage can help reduce muscle pain and soreness, making it a great option for athletes or people who work out regularly. Since it can also help with inflammation, this type of massage can be a good choice for people suffering from arthritis and other inflammation-related conditions. As an added bonus, using CBD oil during a massage can help improve the skin’s tone and texture.
Are you still unsure about which type of massage is right for you? Visit Spa Solai for a totally customized massage! Our Tucson spa locations are designed to help you relax. Our massage therapists will be happy to help you determine which type of massage is right for you. If you are ready to enjoy the benefits offered by massage therapy, contact Spa Solai Skyline at (520) 447-7727 ext. 1 or Spa Solai 6th at (520) 447-7727 ext. 3 today.